Depend on the Marketing & Planning, PLD is projects co- management

 What We Have Done     |      2018-11-12 21:23
(1). High tech Fair: make analysis for the both part technology companies, and find the right character and future wish, as part of the management, get the financial investor or government support, increase the company to the Chinese , Europe and global marketing ,  and go to the international stock market;
(2). Fashion and culture project: beginning with culture concept, we put “Italian Opera- Beijing Opera-Alta Roma” together,
The same time, we invite the top 3 big Chinese fashion companies that have 1300 stores around China;
Depend on the both motivation, we make the independent Designer brand way ,to help the Chinese fashion company improve the international vorlue of the brand , also the quality of the product; the same time, Italian art designer find the good supporter and can be fast take his design from stecro to Marketing; PLD will be the project manager, and keep both part going the right direction, and share the benefit together;

(3). Germany Private  art stylist  Arrey, Obama private designer;
 art exhibition way, put art and fashion together, cooperation with real estate club, help the design explore the luxury life style marketing;